

seen: puj tub, $39.99

puj (pronounced "pudge"):  it seems as though everyone has one piece of babygear they swear by.  This is mine.  It makes you feel like a baby charmer in those first newborn moments that aren't always charming.  It "stores flat, cradles baby, dries fast."  Truly, Puj almost does the work for you.  And now at a great price.

Finn's first bath.  Can you believe the hands free?  And he loved it.


Marisa said...

this is unbelievably brilliant. you always find the most amazing yet practical products, kelli!

Alisa: a pina colada said...

Seriously! This looks fabulous! I love finding great things like this. I've had the same tub with all four babes. I wish I would have known about this...

Some of my favorite items for babies and kids can be found on www.apinacolada.blogspot.com